Tuesday 30 June 2015

Marley's World had it's first review!! Check it out here...

Marley's World has it's first review from Hannah, Dean and A over at Zombiiemummy

Recently, I FINALLY got a hold on Twitter... It's been a love hate relationship from the start!! All the @, RT and # just confuzzled me and I could never just WRITE something!
I was pushed into Twitter by a friend, and social media guru (34,000+ twitter followers!) last week and given some tips.
I have now gone from 19 to 140 followers in a matter of days, with a 'mention and retweet' count of nearly 100k, and met some lovely bloggers at the same time! :)

Happy, happy me :)

Sunday 28 June 2015

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/5153383/?claim=sjmttya2naw">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

So, what's new?? I'm getting along with Twitter-at last!! I know, shocking considering I hated it so much. I now have over 100 followers in a matter of days. Pretty happy. Still learning though.

I now have crowdfire, sum all, blog lovin and god knows what else along the way. Now I just need to update my blog and sort a new title etc. Make it look all nice a posh, and more organised. I'll get there.

Monday 1 June 2015

Hello, hello and hello!!! I've a had a 'mummy day' today with the last day of half term. Had my first try of sushi... It was nice... The kids didn't think much of it though!!

I've also had a great discussion morning on the workings of Marley's World and I have a whole list of things to do with my blog, and books! Firstly I REALLY need to properly be-friend the dreaded TWITTER! I'm not going to lie... I hate it! I've never gotten on with it and still hardly understand a thing that people 'tweet' about, it's all so confusing. But I'm making it my mission to get to grips with it and make Twitter my BFF!

On another note, my blog is going to have a COMPLETE makeover soon, so watch this space!! Eek

Thursday 30 April 2015

The books are OFFICIALLY for sale!! They are listed in the Etsy store or can be bought in a few clicks through the paypal button on the top right!! Easy peasy!

 Each set comes with a hard gift box complete with gold foil logo! There is plenty of room for other books that are due in the series too.

Friday 24 April 2015

The books are all arriving tomorrow!! A week ahead of time....so excited!! I need to get organised with packing them all ready now! Today I have set up Marley's own paypal, and spent over 2 hours uploading all the book files to be officially copy written. Whoop!

Here's a pic of all the proof copies with the posh gold foil printed gift box :)

Tuesday 7 April 2015

All 7 books are now uploaded to print, at last! Hopefully in about 3 weeks time I will have all the boxsets ready to sell-whoopeeeeee!!
I have more stickers being printed to go with the world map posters I had made, these will be sold alongside the boxsets. I can't wait :)

Thursday 2 April 2015

Wow hello world!! It's been a loooooooong time since I even LOOKED at this blog!! Been away for a while popping out babies, going back to work... Etc etc. BUT!!!! Marley's World is in the process of being printed!!! YAY!!!

Back in 2010 I started designing the dinosaurs for Marley's Dinosaur World... I got about half way through and had to stop-I was about 6-7 months pregnant and sooooo fatty fatty that it hurt to lean across a table to draw :/ Then nothing got done for ages-you know, with having a tiny person taking up all your time!! ;)

Last year I FINALLY started it all up again, fully edited ALL the pages-had a proof reader check them all over- then edited the pages again... And again... Ahhhhhhhh... Until finally I found a company to print them with!! Waaa hoooo!!

So all the previous images on the blog-the texts have all changed now... Ignore them, haha!!