Thursday 2 April 2015

Wow hello world!! It's been a loooooooong time since I even LOOKED at this blog!! Been away for a while popping out babies, going back to work... Etc etc. BUT!!!! Marley's World is in the process of being printed!!! YAY!!!

Back in 2010 I started designing the dinosaurs for Marley's Dinosaur World... I got about half way through and had to stop-I was about 6-7 months pregnant and sooooo fatty fatty that it hurt to lean across a table to draw :/ Then nothing got done for ages-you know, with having a tiny person taking up all your time!! ;)

Last year I FINALLY started it all up again, fully edited ALL the pages-had a proof reader check them all over- then edited the pages again... And again... Ahhhhhhhh... Until finally I found a company to print them with!! Waaa hoooo!!

So all the previous images on the blog-the texts have all changed now... Ignore them, haha!!