Friday 14 October 2011

Character Development!!

First I had to sort out what animals I was putting into each book, and it wasn't easy! Africa, for example, it was very hard to narrow the animals down as there are SO many!! But some, like the meerkat and ostrich, just didn't make the cut! There were over 80 animals that I had to design and it took over 2 months!!
Here are some of the developmental sketches...Once I had the general look of the first few animals down, it became quite easy after that!

ZEBRA-this one took a few sketches to get right as I just wasn't happy! It wasn't coming out cute enough!

LIONS-I was happy with my first sketch for the Lion! Just had to change it slightly to make it male.

KOALA-This one took 3 sketches to get it right-it's head kept looking too fat!

CHEETAH-developed pretty much straight away from first sketch! Had to put it in motion in the book being that it's the fastest land mammal but I just really loved this sketch!!

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